Tuesday 9 September 2008

Re: Your Adlandpro Ad

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Presidents Marketing Team
Date: 2008/9/5
Subject: Re: Your Adlandpro Ad
To: "xxx"


I know this is out of the blue, but I saw your
ad on Adlandpro and wanted to run something by
you so please take a couple of minutes to see
what I have.

First of all let me say that I am not a
professional online marketer yet. (Notice that I
said yet) However, I do have direct
“connections” to a gentleman that definitely is.
He has almost twenty years experience in the
field and has some unique was that you and I can
make some money online. With that said, please
understand that I am NOT blindly emailing this
out to as many people as I can. I am not buying
email lists and wishing people into things. What
I am doing is contacting people like you that
already have experience in this field. This will
NOT compete with any MLM that you are currently
in so do not worry! This is a way to make some
UPFRONT money marketing a simple concept!

I won't go into full blown details here but I am
looking for about 50 of the RIGHT people to help
test launch this. Although I do not want a lot
of people at first, I do want experienced people
like you! Here is the concept…

1. I am going to teach you how to market BIG
TICKET items online for other
people and get paid (Items like AIRPLANES,
Luxury Cars, Rare Antiques etc..)
Today’s economy WILL feed this!!!

There is a HUGE market for this and I have
already developed the concept and
programming etc....

2. I am going to give these 50 people the ability
to bring in CLIENTS and AFFILIATES
and will pay WEEKLY an SOON daily via a Debit
Visa card we will assign you.

If you think you might be interested in helping
me start this, I will roll out the RED CARPET for
you. I am going to pay out 50% of the affiliate
sign up amount (which is only $99).

If you think you would like to be part of
something new and DIFFERENT, follow these
directions and I will guide you to a RADIO
interview I did and you can listen to it
and see if you like the way I am setting this up.
So far everyone I have allowed to
listen to this say they "get it."


Email me at: bigticketdepot.com@gmail.com

Put “interested” in the subject line

I will in turn send you to a few sites to do some
quick reading and listening.

I believe this concept is going to take off
fast...Just looking for a few “right” people to
help launch it.

Looking forward to your reply!


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