Wednesday 13 August 2008

Friend, L0se we!ght, safely!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2008/8/13
Subject: Friend, L0se we!ght, safely!
To: xxx

Hello Friend -

Have you heard about A.R.T.?

- It's the newest aid to making an individual slim and healthy.
- It's the world's first robotic Weightloss Coach by Dr. Alber
- It will be able to help anyone else loose at least 10 pounds
in 12 days

Actors like Tom Cruise and actresses like Halle Berry,
Jennifer Gardner, and J. Lo are using the same concept to
maintain their body's shape and sexiness over the years -
only that with A.R.T. - it's been made easier and more
efficient with the help of computers and technology!

If you know someone who might be needing this
Weightloss Robotic Coach, please tell them to get the
details on the link below so that they'll be able to get this
system that will help them loose at least 10 lbs in 12 days!


Share this if you care - and your friends will share thank
you later! Let's make a slimmer but healthier, and even
lighter (not super heavy) world!


Lynn & Oliver O'Connell
A.R.T. Satisfied Licensed Copy Owners

P.S. To receive no more emails from me, simply follow
the link below to block me from sending you further
updates about A.R.T. Weight-L0ss System.

Thank you for your valuable time and understanding. We
appreciate it a lot!



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